
Dear reader,
Today is World Press Freedom Day.
I started the People's Redlands Post because I saw a gap in our community's information access as other local publications were hesitant to cover progressive issues.
The people's relationship with the press has always had its ups and downs. Ever since its invention, the printing press has been controversial. It makes sense. Information informs us — and also unnerves those who'd keep the truth hidden.
A world without press freedom is one where government officials imprison journalists (or worse) for reporting on civil rights protests. It's one where corporations enrich themselves without oversight. It's one where disinformation rules.
I run this site on a mostly-volunteer basis. I'm so grateful for the few patrons who contribute and provide me, right now, with around $30 per month for this work. I'll be honest. At this rate, I will probably burn out or at least be unlikely to continue this project at its current inertia.
If the People's Redlands Post has ever informed or helped you, or if you would like to support my capacity to provide more and more in-depth coverage, please consider supporting as a friend or advocate by clicking the link below.
If supporting monetarily isn't possible for you, you can still help! Please subscribe to the People's Redlands Post newsletter and share the subscribe link with a friend!
I am grateful for your support and for our shared commitment to truth and justice at all levels, including the local.
Becca Spence Dobias