
Hello friends! I apologize for the lack of communication regarding this space's status.
Following my unsuccessful appeal for supporters and subscribers I decided to take a step back and evaluate my obligations. Though I still believe Redlands needs an unapologetically progressive news outlet, the amount of work I was putting in was unsustainable for the $30 a month I was making.
I recently received a grant from the IE Listening Post Collective to create a short documentary about development in Redlands and its relationship to existing race and class divisions. At least for now, I have decided to focus my efforts on projects like this, where the possibility exists for additional outside funding. I appreciate those of you who have continued to support this project, and though I understand if you want to discontinue doing so financially, I hope you know your dollars are still going directly to local progressive research and journalism.
If you have stories you would like to share, please still send them my way and I will do my best to get them on the site.
Patchy rain nearby, with a high of 50 and low of 43 degrees. Overcast for the morning, cloudy in the afternoon and evening, overcast overnight.